Welcome to West Coast Toastmasters Club!

Our club believes in developing and enhancing one's communication, public speaking and leadership skills through building upon one's confidence.

To do this, we not only provide an atmosphere filled with genuine support and encouragement, but also comfortable environment so one can feel at ease.

If you have the 2nd or 4th Saturday afternoon of the month free, pay us a visit!

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  • Meng Hau's avatar Meng Hau
    Club President
    "Hmmmm... what message should be put here?"

    Gabriel's avatar Gabriel Yee
    "Also the blog's Mr Fix-it, email me if you encounter any problems :)"

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  • Monday, June 16, 2008

    West Coast Toastmasters Club 08/09 Executive Committee

    West Coast Toastmasters Club formally installed its 2008/2009 Executive Committee on 14th June 2008. The following would be serving in their respective roles for the 2008/2009 term:

    President : YEW Meng Hau

    Description : Meng Hau has previously served as the Vice President for Education in the previous term and he is currently a first year Economics student in Singapore Management University.

    Vice-President (Education) : Nicole TUO Xian E

    Description : Nicole has previously served as the Vice-Preseident Education 2 for the Club. Nicole has won honours for the Club by coming in 3rd in the Area Prepared Speech Contest. She is undergoing training at NTU/NIE and she is currently teaching in Raffles Girls School.

    Vice-President (Membership) : Louis, LU Yi

    Description : Prior to his appointment, Louis has assisted the Division by serving as Assistant Division Governor (Membership) 2. He is currently working as an engineer in Port os Singapore Authority (PSA).

    Vice-President (Membership) 2 : Deepak BHASKAR

    Description : Deepak is one of the newest member in the club and holds no prior appointment. He is a Six-Sigma trained Black Belt and is currently working for DuPont Chemical Company.

    Vice-President (Public Relations) : Daniel TAN Da Neng

    Description : This is Daniel first appointment into the committee. He is currently a second year Engineering student in Nanyang Technological University (NTU).

    Treasurer : LIU Lie

    Description : Liu Lie has helmed the portfolio of Treasurer since last year due to a reshuffle and he has retained the portfolio for this work year. Liu Lie is currently a researcher at Temasek Laboratories.

    Secretary : Gabriel YEE

    Description : This is Gabriel first appointment into the committee. He is currently a first year Information Systems student in Singapore Management University (SMU).

    Immediate Past President : Perry LAI Kok Fai

    Description : Perry served as the Club previous president and he has done the club proud by winning the Area Prepared Speech and Table Topics Contest and is the defending champion. Perry is currently a success management coach, motivational speaker and an author.

    The Club would like to take this chance to thank the previous committee for their sterling work and also to the Immediate Past Area Governor Dennis Kwan for his help. The committee promises to work closely with the new Area B2 Governor Johnny Teo. The committee aims to attain the President's Distinguished Club for the 4th consecutive time.

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