Welcome to West Coast Toastmasters Club!

Our club believes in developing and enhancing one's communication, public speaking and leadership skills through building upon one's confidence.

To do this, we not only provide an atmosphere filled with genuine support and encouragement, but also comfortable environment so one can feel at ease.

If you have the 2nd or 4th Saturday afternoon of the month free, pay us a visit!

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  • Meng Hau's avatar Meng Hau
    Club President
    "Hmmmm... what message should be put here?"

    Gabriel's avatar Gabriel Yee
    "Also the blog's Mr Fix-it, email me if you encounter any problems :)"

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    Brought to life by Gabriel
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  • Thursday, June 19, 2008

    Highlights of meeting on 14th June 08

    As usual, the club met up for our chapter meeting. However, this is no ordinary meeting. It was the installation of the new executive committee by the new Area B2 Governor, Johnny Teo. The meeting kicked off with a roaring start as the new President, Toastmaster Yew Menghau, gave a rousing speech to assure the club that it is on the right track and it will stay that way. Furthermore, he announced that by the end of this month, West Coast TMC would be a President's Distinguished Club again, making it 3 times in a roll.

    Moving on, there were 6 prepared speeches given, ranging from Anger Management (TM Deepak) to More Exercise (TM Liu Lie), from drawing a face(TM Nicole Tuo) to buying Costa Rhu condominium as an investment (CL Mike Lian). Of course, who can forget about Table Topics? The theme? TV shows and movies! And what a fantastic time the audience had as everyone lapped up the humour and laughter. All in all, it make this chapter meeting not just fun and enjoyable but one that everyone can learn.

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    hits since 24 June 2008
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