Welcome to West Coast Toastmasters Club!

Our club believes in developing and enhancing one's communication, public speaking and leadership skills through building upon one's confidence.

To do this, we not only provide an atmosphere filled with genuine support and encouragement, but also comfortable environment so one can feel at ease.

If you have the 2nd or 4th Saturday afternoon of the month free, pay us a visit!

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  • Meng Hau's avatar Meng Hau
    Club President
    "Hmmmm... what message should be put here?"

    Gabriel's avatar Gabriel Yee
    "Also the blog's Mr Fix-it, email me if you encounter any problems :)"

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  • Wednesday, June 25, 2008

    Why should I join a Toastmasters Club ? (for the executive)

    Why should you join a Toastmasters Club ? What is a Toastmasters Club, anyway ? Before the questions are answered, consider the following situation :

    You are an engineer/accountant/civil servant/... and you have been appointed/tasked/conferred... to do a presentation to your superiors which could mean the difference between getting that landscape cityview office room or being stuck in that cramped cubicle of yours, cluttered with all the mess.

    As you are not too sure about how to go about giving A Winning Proposal/Selling the Idea/The Technical Presentation/..., you decide that the best thing to go is to give your presentation a Powerpoint makeover. Cramming every available information you have on to the Powerpoint slides, you end up with 113 slides consisting of the most technical jargon and ideas.

    Proud of your achievement in getting all the slides done, you decide to add in some sound effects and visual effects that will spice up your presentation. Before you know it, all 113 slides have some kind of effects. Now, you are really proud of yourself, giving yourself a pat on the back (thinking what is so difficult about a presentation), then getting back to sleep.

    The next day, in front of your superiors and subordinates, you present your masterpiece. Line by line, word for word, slide by slide, you start reading from the Powerpoint with all the sound effects. Rather than capturing the attention of the audience, you notice that they are drifting away to their BlackBerry or Palm. Desperate, you slow down and keep your tone neutral, hoping they will look at your slides but to your horror, they look tired now ( and you seem to catch your subordinate yawning as well ).

    You try your best to trudge on, but it is too late. Your superior cuts you off, tells you that the time is up and there is another agenda to move on. You look at your slides, you are not even halfway through and it is over. Silently, you sit back in your chair, wondering what went wrong. A week later, your superiors decide to take another plan from another executive. The executive gets the project and a few months later, he gets the cityview landscape office as well while you lay slumped in your cramped cubicle.

    What went wrong ? Well, quite a lot. This is where a Toastmasters Club can help. A Toastmasters Club is a club whereby members give speeches/presnetations to improve their communication skills. It is also a place that provides a mutually supportive and positive learning environment where every member has the opportunity to develop communication skills and foster self-confidence. If you interested in joining West Coast Toastmasters Club, you can contact the WebMaster at West.Coast.TMC@gmail.com. We will give a prompt reply as soon as possible.

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    hits since 24 June 2008
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