Welcome to West Coast Toastmasters Club!

Our club believes in developing and enhancing one's communication, public speaking and leadership skills through building upon one's confidence.

To do this, we not only provide an atmosphere filled with genuine support and encouragement, but also comfortable environment so one can feel at ease.

If you have the 2nd or 4th Saturday afternoon of the month free, pay us a visit!

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  • Meng Hau's avatar Meng Hau
    Club President
    "Hmmmm... what message should be put here?"

    Gabriel's avatar Gabriel Yee
    "Also the blog's Mr Fix-it, email me if you encounter any problems :)"

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  • Highlights of meeting on 14th June 08

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  • Wednesday, July 16, 2008

    Highlights of Club Meeting on 12th July 08

    It was a warm and sunny afternoon as the club convened for another fantastic meeting. The meeting was kicked off by our newly-promoted Competent Communicator Liu Lie, who served as the Sergeant-At-Arms. Following which, our club president gave us an inspirational opening address on leadership and planning. The language evaluator, Advanced Communicator Silver/Competent Leader Lim Seh Leng gave us the word of the day : HORIZON.

    The prepared speech session was kicked off by Toastmaster Arunachalam Sathappan, who gave a speech on minimizing worries, afterwhich, Toastmaster David Wang, showed that he was still able to give an impactful speech after his debut return to the club. His speech on being an unreasonable man was very well-received by the audience. Toastmaster Yew Meng Hau introduced a portion of Game Theory to the audience as he proposed a solution to end nuclear weaponry. Toastmaster Amelia Chang (from NUSS TMC) spoke about lighting up the fire in our life and discovering our passion. Last but not least, Competent Leader Mike Lian rounded up the session with a speech on saving the environment, reminding all of us to A.C.T.

    The evaluators went on to give precise and advice to the respective speakers. The advice not only benefitted the speakers but also to the audience as well, who learn many useful tips for jazzing up their speeches and craft it to greatness.

    The theme of the Table Topics was : Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire and what a fun time the participants had, as they all tried to out-lie one another to prove that they were the biggest liars. The topics ranged from lying to your parents to lying to the police for traffic offences. It was surprising that guests, who had NO prior experience in giving impromptu speeches were able to deliver a short 2 minute speech on the spot. It was no surprise that the audience lapped it up.

    The language evaluator, Advanced Communicator Silver, Lim Seh Leng, delivered her evaluation on our usage of the language and provided many useful feedback for everyone to spice and jazz up their speech.

    The General Evaluator, Advanced Communicator Bronze, Wong Kok Wah, gave us crucial and concise feedback on how to improve the club meeting. At the same time, he gave high praises to the Timer, Toastmaster Deepak Bhaskar, Ah-Counter, Toastmaster Tan Hong Yue, Toastmaster of the Day, Toastmaster Kenneth Tham, for a job well done. However, he mentioned that the club have a lack of writing papers and that some of the Table Topics question were tricky. He praised the Club President for giving an inspiring speech, one which he has not heard from Club Presidents for some time.

    The meeting ended on a high note as the Club President encouraged everyone to take action and to learn and be inspired from the speeches spoken that day. The Club also sucessfully signed up a new member, Miss Loo Lin Jy. We welcome her on board the club. Due introduction will be posted shortly.

    The Club would like to thank the following for their contributions as guest evaluators : Competent Leader Cindy Ang, Competent Communicator Gabriel Chen, AC(B) Wong Kok Wah (Open Alumni Toastmasters Club) and AC(S)/CL Lim Seh Leng. Our next meeting will be on the 26th of July. So do remember to come on down for another fun-filled meeting !

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